

* パーティション性能 [#f665c62f]



* 測定環境 [#u4794023]


|OS macOS High Sierra|10.13.6(17G9016)|
|Model|iMac (27-inch, Late 2012)|
|CPU|3.2 GHz Intel Core i5|
|メモリ|32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3|
|グラフィックス|NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB|

* 測定条件 [#u27250eb]

+ PostgreSQL 11.6 / 12.1
+ パーティション / パーティション子テーブルアクセス / 非パーティション
+ シングルプロセス / マルチプロセス

* 測定用資材 [#n8223f22]


** アプリケーション [#oec28e2d]


- &ref(bench.py);

$ pip install psycopg2

**セットアップ&実行スクリプト [#mc2d153c]

- &ref(partition_test.sh);
- &ref(run_bench_test_suite.sh);
- &ref(run_bench_test_suite_multiproc.sh);

* 結果 [#p0b743d7]

- PostgreSQL11では、パーティション数が10、100と上がるにつれて、大幅に性能が落ちる。~
- 一方、PostgreSQL12では、パーティション数の増加につれほとんど性能の劣化がない。~

** 1プロセス [#aed64c6c]

- 1プロセスで、10テーブル、テーブルあたり1000件更新(10000件更新)
- PostgreSQL11の1000パーティション以降は、測定マシン環境で長時間終わらず測定断念


** 5プロセス [#c7d17821]

- 5プロセスで、10テーブル、テーブルあたり1000件更新(10000件更新)
- 5プロセスは、それぞれパーティションレンジの異なるテーブルにアクセス
- PostgreSQL11の1000パーティション以降は、測定マシン環境で長時間終わらず測定断念


* PostgreSQL11と12でのパーティションのロック [#c4cde79f]

** PostgreSQL11 [#h4e5e85e]


$ ./partition_test.sh --part 1000 20
$ psql -d postgres
psql (11.6)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \d+ part_*;
                                  Table "public.part_tbl"
 Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 id     | integer |           |          |         | plain    |              | 
 msg    | text    |           |          |         | extended |              | 
Partition key: RANGE (id)
Partitions: part_tbl_1 FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (1001),
            part_tbl_10 FOR VALUES FROM (9001) TO (10001),
            part_tbl_11 FOR VALUES FROM (10001) TO (11001),
            part_tbl_12 FOR VALUES FROM (11001) TO (12001),
            part_tbl_13 FOR VALUES FROM (12001) TO (13001),
            part_tbl_14 FOR VALUES FROM (13001) TO (14001),
            part_tbl_15 FOR VALUES FROM (14001) TO (15001),
            part_tbl_16 FOR VALUES FROM (15001) TO (16001),
            part_tbl_17 FOR VALUES FROM (16001) TO (17001),
            part_tbl_18 FOR VALUES FROM (17001) TO (18001),
            part_tbl_19 FOR VALUES FROM (18001) TO (19001),
            part_tbl_2 FOR VALUES FROM (1001) TO (2001),
            part_tbl_20 FOR VALUES FROM (19001) TO (20001),
            part_tbl_3 FOR VALUES FROM (2001) TO (3001),
            part_tbl_4 FOR VALUES FROM (3001) TO (4001),
            part_tbl_5 FOR VALUES FROM (4001) TO (5001),
            part_tbl_6 FOR VALUES FROM (5001) TO (6001),
            part_tbl_7 FOR VALUES FROM (6001) TO (7001),
            part_tbl_8 FOR VALUES FROM (7001) TO (8001),
            part_tbl_9 FOR VALUES FROM (8001) TO (9001)

                                 Table "public.part_tbl_1"
 Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 id     | integer |           |          |         | plain    |              | 
 msg    | text    |           |          |         | extended |              | 
Partition of: part_tbl FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (1001)
Partition constraint: ((id IS NOT NULL) AND (id >= 1) AND (id < 1001))

-- ページ節約のため、残りのテーブル情報については省略

postgres=# begin;
postgres=# select id from part_tbl where id = 1;
(1 row)

postgres=# update part_tbl set msg = 'hoge' where id = 1;

-- select実行後にpg_locksを参照
postgres=# select pl.pid, pc.relname, pl.mode from pg_locks pl inner join pg_class pc on (pl.relation = pc.oid) where pl.pid = 83066;
  pid  |   relname   |      mode       
 83066 | part_tbl    | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_17 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_5  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_18 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_9  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_13 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_15 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_16 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_20 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_1  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_10 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_2  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_6  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_3  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_7  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_11 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_14 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_4  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_8  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_12 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_19 | AccessShareLock
(21 rows)

-- update実行後に再度pg_locksを参照
postgres=# select pl.pid, pc.relname, pl.mode from pg_locks pl inner join pg_class pc on (pl.relation = pc.oid) where pl.pid = 83066;
  pid  |   relname   |       mode       
 83066 | part_tbl    | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl    | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_17 | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_17 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_5  | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_5  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_18 | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_18 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_9  | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_9  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_13 | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_13 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_15 | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_15 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_16 | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_16 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_20 | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_20 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_1  | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_1  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_10 | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_10 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_2  | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_2  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_6  | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_6  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_3  | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_3  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_7  | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_7  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_11 | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_11 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_14 | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_14 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_4  | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_4  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_8  | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_8  | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_12 | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_12 | AccessShareLock
 83066 | part_tbl_19 | RowExclusiveLock
 83066 | part_tbl_19 | AccessShareLock
(42 rows)

** PostgreSQL12 [#fe0f57e7]


$ psql -d postgres
psql (12.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# begin;
postgres=# select id from part_tbl where id = 1;
(1 row)

postgres=# update part_tbl set msg = 'hoge' where id = 1;

postgres=# select pl.pid, pc.relname, pl.mode from pg_locks pl inner join pg_class pc on (pl.relation = pc.oid) where pl.pid = 86768;
  pid  |  relname   |      mode       
 86768 | part_tbl   | AccessShareLock
 86768 | part_tbl_1 | AccessShareLock
(2 rows)

postgres=# select pl.pid, pc.relname, pl.mode from pg_locks pl inner join pg_class pc on (pl.relation = pc.oid) where pl.pid = 86768;
  pid  |  relname   |       mode       
 86768 | part_tbl   | RowExclusiveLock
 86768 | part_tbl   | AccessShareLock
 86768 | part_tbl_1 | RowExclusiveLock
 86768 | part_tbl_1 | AccessShareLock
(4 rows)
* 参考リンク [#gcf14bec]

- [[PostgreSQL 12は ここがスゴイ! ~性能改善やpluggable storage engineなどの新機能を徹底解説~ (NTTデータ テクノロジーカンファレンス 2019講演資料)>https://www.slideshare.net/nttdata-tech/postgresql12-performance-improvement-pluggable-storage-engine-ntt-sawada]]- &size(11){&color(gray){on https://www.slideshare.net/nttdata-tech/postgresql12-performance-improvement-pluggable-storage-engine-ntt-sawada};};
- [[PostgreSQL: パーティションし過ぎには気をつけろ!>https://qiita.com/KazuyaTomita/items/c50d47111150e9b8d503]] - &size(11){&color(gray){on https://qiita.com/KazuyaTomita/items/c50d47111150e9b8d503};};

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